Traditional fundraising can rely on:
Free fundraising
900+ sponsors at
your fingertips
Sign up for a free Group account.
Begin promoting to your supporters so they can start shopping with iSponsor.
Watch as FREE fundraising dollars land in your Groups bank account.
How it works for groups
Register group interest
using the form below
We reach out to talk about
your iSponsor journey
We get you set
up on the platform
We provide the tools for success
Your group is
ready to fundraise
Time to promote iSponsor to your supporters!
Tools For Success
success manager
We support you every step of the way. Your dedicated success manager will help you approach local businesses to sponsor you exclusively, provide you with tips and tricks to engage your network and be available on call or via email with any questions you may have. Lean on us to ensure your success; we rise up together.
Access to our
easy to use platform
iSponsor is a FREE fundraising platform that requires no extra time, effort, or money. We’ve done the hard work for you; as an iSponsor group you can make the most of our strong business partnerships. We provide over 900+ brands at your fingertips ready to sponsor your group.
An advertising platform for your group so your members, supporters, friends, and family find you easily and choose you as their fundraising recipient. You will be able to track monthly, yearly and all-time contributions from your network.
Marketing & social media support
We provide you with everything you need to make your iSponsor journey a success. From personalized social media posts to promotional letters and posters, we make sure your marketing arsenal is full.
We are invested in your growth
- We are with you every step of the way
- We empower you and your community
- A caring and supportive iSponsor team
Download a Group
Info Pack here